How to Get Involved in National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW)

Are you ready for National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW)? This year, NIAW takes place from April 22-28, and there are opportunities for couples and individuals from across the country to participate. For those who are newer members of the fertility community, or are unfamiliar with NIAW, Washington Fertility Center has provided a helpful guide on the event as well as ways to get involved.
What is NIAW?
National Infertility Awareness Week was created by RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association. Each year, the organization sets a theme for the event, and this year’s theme is #FlipTheScript. This theme is dedicated to changing the conversation around infertility so that misconceptions and myths about struggles to have children will end, and more meaningful, educated conversations can begin.
So often, conversations about infertility testing and treatment are based in (well-meaning) ignorance on behalf of those who are not part of the fertility community, and those who need treatment feel judged, marginalized, or entirely misunderstood by their own family members and friends.
“#FlipTheScript—RESOLVE wants to change the conversation around infertility so the public, media, insurers, healthcare professionals, and lawmakers understand:
- The scope of the problem and who is struggling to build a family. (Hint: it’s not just older women who waited too long to start a family.)
- There are many barriers for millions of people who struggle to build a family. These barriers include lack of insurance coverage, out-of-pocket costs, faith and religion, sexual orientation, and state and federal laws.
- The impact of infertility is far-reaching—it impacts family, friends, co-workers, and employers.”
How can I get involved in NIAW?
Getting involved in NIAW will come down to your own comfort level. Not everyone is comfortable sharing his or her fertility story (or at least not all of it), and that is 100% OK. Maybe you will be someday, or maybe you won’t. If you do feel comfortable, sharing your fertility experience is one of the best ways to get involved. Sharing your story online via social media or a blog is very important, as this spreads awareness about the commonality of fertility issues as well as what it’s really like to face them. Please be sure to use the hashtags #flipthescript and #NIAW so others participating can see your posts.
You can join a fertility support group (for men only, women only, or couples), either locally or online. There is always the option to donate or fundraise for causes important to the fertility community, like statewide insurance coverage for treatment.
We hope you will join Washington Fertility Center on Facebook to learn more about NIAW and join us in honoring the fertility community.