Fertility Blog

Will Employee Coverage for Fertility Treatment Improve?

Facebook and Apple announced in 2014 that they will provide employee coverage for fertility preservation, and Intel will offer fertility benefit coverage for its employees in 2016. Is the future of fertility treatment coverage changing?

Fertility treatment cost: what to consider
Cost is often one of the most difficult aspects of fertility testing and treatment. Prior to beginning a fertility treatment plan, it’s important to speak with your insurance provider regarding fertility treatment and fertility medication coverage. Currently, coverage for fertility treatment and third-party reproductive technology varies greatly, and same-sex couples can still face trouble getting coverage because of outdated insurance policies that do not cover LGBT family-building needs.

Washington Fertility Center works hard to ensure that all of our fees are clear from the onset and affordable. However, the center also realizes that not everyone necessarily plans on seeking treatment in order to build their family. LGBT couples are aware that they will require third-party reproductive services such as donated eggs or sperm or gestational surrogacy to have a child, but infertility is often not known until a couple (regardless of sexual orientation) starts trying to become pregnant. It can be difficult to move forward with treatment if finances are not in order.

Will employee coverage for fertility treatment improve?
The world of insurance coverage and employer coverage for fertility treatment is changing, just very slowly. Even though one in eight American couples experiences trouble conceiving, fertility treatment is still relatively “new” for insurance providers that need to catch up to meet the needs of those who utilize those services.

New technologies and advancements in treatment, better science behind diagnoses, and more experienced fertility specialists have led to a steady increase in the number of men and women seeking fertility and third-party reproduction services. Patients know more than ever that they have a comprehensive range of options for treatment and can build their families with the help of a fertility specialist.

The policy changes made by big-name companies like Facebook, Apple, and Intel show that employers are beginning to acknowledge the importance of family planning and can contribute to better employer/employee relations and productivity. As more major brands and corporations follow their lead, it is very possible that these benefits will soon extend to all couples, regardless of sexual orientation or employer.